################# KNOWN BUGS #################### NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ################################################# R.562 6/4/93 > Yesterday I've got my brand new A4000, today I've fixed all the known Enforcer Hits in PM and CPM ! > Now it is again possible to quit PM with the ESC key > Recompiled, optimizated and released as Point Manager 3.20 !!!!!! R.561 24/3/93 > Now in the Messages Window 'W' is a shortcut for 'Write' > Now, under WB 2.x, CPM tries to open its window on the PM screen > Final adjustments... R.560 19/3/93 > Now file attaches are addressed to the destination node only if the associated matrix is flagged CRASH, otherwise they are routed to your Boss > Now CPM allows up to 30 addresses > last adjustments... R.559 17/3/93 > Now PM should open its custom screen as a public screen > Now the "Delete" and "Mark" flags are preserved when you quit PM R.558 10/3/93 > Now you can use the control chrs also in the #CUSTOM commands ( of course all the control chrs that reference directly to a single area or msg will be ignored. > Some changes in the control characters. The Kb free on MAIL: now is '%b' and '%?' is now used for popping up a string requester where you can enter the text that will replace the '%?'. For example : #CUSTOM DOS 14 "Call ..." "Run DH0:ArpC/Trapdoor call %?" R.557 8/3/93 > Removed the 'Generate Areas BBS' routines > Redesigned the menus in the Areas window & added keyboards shortcuts > Now, in the Areas Window, 'ESC' doesn't quit PM anymore. > Now PM uses its own fonts in the 'please wait' window. R.556 4/3/93 > Improvements and bug fixes in the Archive and Print routines > Now PM does not delete the bundle if something goes wrong during decrunching R.555 3/3/93 > Now the "Please Wait" window will be opened only when PM opens its windows > Now the sort by Subject of msgs is case Insensitive > Minor changes to the quoting routines. R.554 28/2/93 > Added a window that will be opened when PM updates the Stats and Index files > Fixed a bug with the Additive gadget R.553 26/2/93 > Greatly improved the quoting routines. > Now CPM do not allow the use of #TURBOSCAN if #INDEX is already selected R.552 22/2/93 > Now PM quotes correctly also lines with a single letter before the '>' > Now the Right Mouse Button is a shortcut for 'OK' in the File request window R.551 13/2/93 > Now we are at v3.20/g > New cfg parameter: #AREAFONT sintax: #AREAFONT > Now PM updates the Area's flags after a Scan... R.550 11/2/93 > Now PM will display the first 18 chrs of the area name in the Areas Window ( previous version display only the first 15 chrs ) > Included '\q' as a control character in #CUSTOMBROWSE and #AREA* lines. It replaces the '"' chr R.549 8/2/93 > Inserted the 'Safe Del' Gadget in the Areas Window. It is equivalent to 'Delete' gadget, but it doesn't delete New messages. > Now PM close its Areas window only when it has written all the index and statistics files R.548 29/1/93 > Fixed an ugly bug that could cause a guru in the Browse window R.547 28/1/93 > Now in the Browse window PM reports the number of Unread msgs. It counts the number of selected msgs with the NEW flag > Inserted new quoting meythod (" PA>> xxx" in place of " MG> PA> xxx") R.546 24/1/93 > Inserted keyboard shortcut for the first 10 Custom browse commands > Added keypad control in the Browse window (Home, PgUp, ...and so on...) R.545 21/1/93 > Now we are at v3.20/b > Added a 'Update' gadget in the Areas window. It updates the Stats and Index files. > Now, in the Areas Window, there is no more a 'shift' between the pointer and the selected area R.544 20/1/93 > Inserted 15 Custom Menu in the Browse Window. > Now, In the Browse Window, if you release the Right Mouse Button on the menu, PM will run the selected custom command, otherwise it will go back in the Message Window ( if 'ExitDMouse' is active ). R.543 18/1/93 > Inverted the position of the OK/Cancel gadgets in the File Request/Send window > Solved a bug in the Userlist search that may cause problems with Areafix > Fixed a small bug in Reflow routines R.542 17/1/93 > Inserted the following Control characters: %K - Complete address of the sender ( e.g. 2:335/602.2@fidonet ) %k - Address of the sender without point and domain ( e.g. 2:335/602 ) %? - Kb free on MAIL: > Now, in the Browse window, Up/Down arrows scrolls Up/Down of ONE line, SHIFT + Up/Down arrows scrolls Up/Down of one Page. R.541 16/1/93 > Completelly changed the Statistics files. Now PM uses only ONE file for ALL the statistics files. > Changed sintax of #STATS. Now it is: #STATS "filename" ( default: #STATS "MAIL:PManager.STATS" ) R.540 15/1/93 > first changes for inserting the custom menu in the Browse window > Changed #CUSTOMBROWSE sintax, now it is the same of #CUSTOM > Now PM saves Stats files only if it has read them before (sic!) > I hope to have solved the bug of the strange Stats > Now killing the stats, removes them also from the memory. R.539 8/12/92 > Now we are at v3.20/a > Changed the reflow method. Now the leading spaces are eliminated > Eliminated an Enforcer hit that creates problems to the origin lines R.538 29/11/92 > Now leaving empty the Nodelist or Userlist gadget in CPM disables the use of the nodelist or of the userlist in PM. In the .cfg file you can use #NODELIST "" or USERLIST "" > Now PM do not read anymore layout configuration when you Reload the cfg from inside PM. You MUST quit and re-run PM in order to see Layout changes > Included ReqTools.library 2.1a R.537 25/11/92 > Now PM pass always the correct name of the current cfg file to CPM. R.536 18/11/92 ( it is snowing ! ) > Recompiled, optimizated and released as Point Manager 3.10 !!!!!! R.535 17/11/92 > Included ReqTools.library 2.1 > last adjustments... R.534 13/11/92 > Now I've removed that Fuc.... SAS qsort() fuction and PM can work also with a stack size of 12000 > Changed once again the format of the keyfile... > Final adjustments R.533 9/11/92 > qsort() require tons of Stack *:^( Now PM requires a stack of 20000 > Improved Renumber routines R.532 6/11/92 > Now PM opens its Custom screen in a different way. Under WB2.x it will use the New 3D Look even if you do not use utilities like TagScreen. > Optimizated R.531 2/11/92 > Now, in the Address Window, the right mouse button is a shortcut for OK > Now, when PM found a corrupted PKT, it will notify this in a clearer way > Now PM puts the CrossReply/Forward window in the middle of the screen R.530 1/11/92 > Completelly changed the registration method, Now PM needs a keyfile named MAIL:PMkey R.529 31/10/92 > Now PM inserts the name of the original Area in the subj: of a Cross Reply > Inserted the registration Requester. R.528 28/10/92 > Inserted a Custom gadget in the Browse Window: '*' > Added #CUSTOMBROWSE parameter in the configuration file. It uses the same sintax of #PROLOGUE, so you can use the same '%' switches For Example: #CUSTOMBROWSE "C:ED %p%n.msg" will load the current msg in your editor. R.527 23/10/92 > Completelly rewritten Forward/CrossReply routines & windows > Inserted support for VIP serial numbers R.526 21/10/92 > Changed Renumber routines. > Now PM do not try to restore Bad msgs into a Full Area R.525 20/10/92 > Now PM uses ReqTools.library by Nico Francois. It doesn't use anymore the req.library. R.524 19/10/92 > Now PM creates File Attaches/Send/Request in 4D format > Now PM checks if a File Attached/Sent/Requested is already in the list R.523 16/10/92 > Inserted another check during import, now PM should import correctly almost any kind of corrupted .PKT. > Now if PM founds a corrupted PKT, it renames it as xxxxxxxx.BAD R.522 14/10/92 > Changed #COLORS format, now it is: #COLORS xxx xxx xxx xxx > Now PM do not insert a CTRL-A (0x01) in front of SEEN-BY lines R.521 23/9/92 > Implemented Reflow on written msgs. It will reflow all lines longer than 65 chr, that do not start with a space. If the first chr of the following line is a space or a LF/CR the line won't be reflown > Added #(NO)REFLOW parameter ( default #NOREFLOW ) > Added 'Reflow Msg' gadget in the Address window R.520 22/9/92 > Now the ConfigPM entry in the 'Configure' Menu` is active. You should have CPM in your search Path > Now /n in #LOGO #PROLOGUE etc. is replaced by a LF in place of a CR ( are you happy Marco ? *:^] ) > Now if the user set a #LOGLEVEL/#ECHOLEVEL higher than 5, PM will set it automatically to 5. R.519 18/9/92 > Fixed a small bug in the scrolling of the Message Window > Fixed a bug during import with #NOHOLDMEM R.518 11/9/92 > Solved ( I hope ) all the problems with CR/LF during Forward or Edit R.517 10/9/92 > Some bug fixed > Now it is possible to use WildCards in #NODELIST and #USERLIST R.516 2/9/92 > Fixed a bug with the 'Free' and 'DeepScan' function ( PM was deallocating also the memory for the Origin, Logo and Prologue ) > Fixed a bug with the small gadget in the Browse window > Fixed a small bug with the custom config files > Now 'Dos Error' requesters have only one 'Cancel' gadget R.515 28/8/92 > First GAMMA released to Gama Testers > Eliminated the Dos Processor > Eliminated #DOSPSW > Now the INTL kludge is used also in netmails beetwen the same zone R.514 27/8/92 > Added a control during import. Now PM should be more resistant to corrupted PKT > Fixed a small bug in the mouse-scrolling of the Browse window R.513 25/8/92 > Now the AutoReply routine sets correctly the E flag in the area. > Now the CheckDupes checks also the dates of the msgs R.512 23/8/92 > First GAMMA release: 5.10/g.512 > Added a 'DeepScan' gadget in the Areas Window. It will Scan the selected Areas in a deeper way. Useful when, f.e. the Index and Stats files are not correct. > Added a 'File Request' entry in the menu' of the Areas Window R.511 23/8/92 > Solved the problem with the flags in the Areas window. Now they are correctly updated > Now ALL the statistics files are written in a single directory > Added #STATS parameter in the cfg file. Is the path of the directory were PM will read/write ALL the statistics files. Default: #STATS MAIL:PMSTATS/ R.510 22/8/92 > Added a 'X Reply' Gadget in the Message Window > Added an 'Edit' Gadget in the Message Window > Removed the Protect Gadget in the Message Window. You can still protect a msg from deletion with the 'Ed Flag' Gadget R.509 22/8/92 > Now the Search can be Case Insensitive > Added the 'Case Sens.' Gadget in the Search Window > Removed the two unused 'Direction' Gadgets in the Search Window R.508 21/8/92 > Redesigned the Browse window gadgets > Added a Forward gadget (G) in the Browse Window R.507 20/8/92 > Redesigned the 'Info' windows R.506 19/8/92 > Added an 'About' window > Redesigned the PM -U[Q/R/S] windows R.505 18/8/92 > Removed ( I hope ) a bug in the CheckDupe routines > Removed a bug in the import time calculation R.504 17/8/92 > Removed the bug that makes PM -UX guru if there are new msg in more than one matrix area > Now PM set correctly the A (AUTO) flag on msg answered from the AutoReply function R.503 16/8/92 > Improved the import routines. Now Import should be slightly faster > Removed the #FUCKSTORM parameter R.502 17/7/92 > Removed a small bug in the scrolling of a msg R.501 13/7/92 > Removed a bug that may cause a guru if there is only 1 msg in an area > Rewritten the scrolling routines in the Browse window > Removed the bug that makes PM lost lines during the scroll in the Browse window R.500 12/7/92 > Removed the autodetach routines. Now PM no more detach itself from the CLI > Now PM is no more capable to set its own stack. you have to set it manually to 12000 > We hope to have killed the bug of the import from the wrong dir R.499 11/7/92 > Now PM considers the real time needed for importing msgs. Time for bundle decrunching is no more considerated > Now already requested files ( written in the .REQ ), are no more listed in the file request window. > Some little bugs fixed R.498 9/7/92 > Some minor changes, improvements and optimizations, now PM is back to 127 Kb R.497 7/7/92 > Completelly redesigned the Message Search Window R.496 5/7/92 > Inserted 15 Custom gadgets in the Areas Window > Now are supported 15 #CUSTOM commands > Removed the old Custom commands menu' R.495 4/7/92 > Removed a small bug in the scroll gadget of the Message Window > Completelly redesigned the Message Flags Window R.494 3/7/92 > Finished Address window redesign > Now the Address window is font independent R.493 2/7/92 > Finished File Request/Send window redesign > Now the File Request/Send window is font independent R.492 1/7/92 > Starting File Request/Send window redesign > Now a FakeNet = 0 will remove the FakeNet from 2D SEEN-BY/PATH lines R.491 30/6/92 > Starting Address window redesign > Removed MultiSend feature ( for the moment ? ) R.490 27/6/92 > Now the screen font in the custom screen is fixed. > If in #CUSTOMSCREEN is specified a screen height lover than 200 ( 400 in interlaced ) PM will open a screen heigh 200 ( 400 ) R.489 26/6/92 > Changed version number now we are at 3.10/b > Recompiled PM and CPM with SAS/C v5.10b > Removed a bug with the Nick Names in the UserList R.488 23/6/92 > First Version released to the Beta Testers > Completely rewritten the scrolling routines in the Areas Window > Now imported message with "Sysop" in the To: field are no longer addressed to the Sysop of the point > Removed a bug in the DOMAIN kludge R.487 21/6/92 * Removed the .0 of the Boss in Seen-By/Path lines (4D) > Removed the bug of the Unread Messagges if you read msgs very quickly R.486 18/6/92 > Implemented keyboard control of some commands in the message window ( _S_ news, _R_ead ). The _N_ext area ( with new messages ) was already implemented. > Now PM updates the number of Areas when it reloads the .cfg R.485 17/6/92 > Some improvements in the Message Window > Changed MakeFLO, now always set to zero the point in .CLO/.FLO name. R.484 13/6/92 * Finding for index bug (and I hope killed) * Changed DOMAIN kludge structure R.483 26/5/92 * Changed NomeBundle, now always set to zero the point in bundle name. R.482 22/5/92 > Implemented the management of the scroll gadget in the Areas Window > Implemented the management of the scroll gadget in the Message Window R.481 20/5/92 > Starting Message window redesign ( Non Interlaced ) > Added a Scroll gadget in the Message Window ( not yet managed ) R.480 18/5/92 > Finally found and removed the bug that makes matrix coming from every Net going in the first MATRIX type Area > Found and removed a bug that makes PM do not Beep if you delete with the last msg in an Area R.479 17/5/92 > Starting Message window redesign ( Interlaced ) > Finished Areas window redesign R.478 15/5/92 > Modified method for selecting Areas, now it is much faster > Added Custom Gadgets in Areas window ( not yet managed ) > Added a Scroll gadget in the Areas Window ( not yet managed ) R.477 14/5/92 > Starting Areas window redesign ( Non Interlaced ) > Added a newfont for interlaced mode R.476 12/5/92 > Starting Areas window redesign ( Interlaced ) > Added #INTERLACE #NOINTERLACE parameter R.475 8/5/92 * Changed seenby4d * Changed req.library include R.474 21/4/92 * Added DOMAIN kludge in matrix messages R.473 15/4/92 * Killed previous bug R.472 3/4/92 * Discovered bug. It's a try to write on the log an error, before to open it. R.471 28/2/92 * Trying to solve a guru R.470 25/2/92 * Recompiling with SAS 5.10B * Ripristinato #DECRUNCHER, e spostare il cruncher nella riga di address R.469 30/12/91 * Eliminato bug per il dimensionamento automatico in caso di customscreen * Tasto per rieditare nella finestra di address (Vicari) * Finestra di search, partire con from come default e mantenere le preferenze R.468 27/12/91 * Debugging . Eliminato uno dei motivi di crash per errori sul file di configurazione * Gestione di LOGO e PREFIX diversi per ogni area (Halsema) R.467 25/12/91 * Finite modifiche per matrix non compressa (per ora) * Ricompilato tutto con opzioni di debug R.466 24/12/91 * Continuano modifiche per matrix non compressa (da finire) * Fixing . In replytxt sembra che i /n si vedano come ctrl-M (Grzondziel)(Schwarz) . Bug nel gadget di sort. Sembra che variando la lunghezza della stringa non venga eliminata la parte finale (Schwarz) (eliminato) * Implementato il MSGID e REPLY anche nella matrix (Schwarz)(Grzondziel) * Proteggere i messaggi safe dal delete anche forzato. (Piccini) * Autorepeat del pulsante di down and up della finestra dei messaggi (Roig) * Il seen-by e' considerato a tutti gli effetti un kludge (Taskin) * Nodelist ed Userlist vogliono obbligatoriamente il parametro nome file * Miglioramenti vari alla gestione del file di configurazione (da finire) R.465 14/12/91 * Modifiche per generare pacchetti matrix non compressi (CRUNCHMATRIX e NOCRUNCHMATRIX + modifiche a rio.c e pkt.c R.464 2/12/91 * Sviluppo del send multiplo (prima parte) * Implementazione del reload del file di configurazione da menu R.463 1/12/91 * Sistemato SEEN4D * Continuano esperimenti con gestione variabili REXX R.462 29/11/91 * Fine normalizzazione finestra di browse * Inizio prove per la gestioni delle variabili REXX R.461 28/11/91 * Inserimento PATH4D tra i parametri della gestione 4D * Inserimento SEEN4D tra i parametri della gestione 4D * Continua sistemazione scroll finestra di browse * Sistemazione BUG di scan continuo durante l'import in condizioni di scarsita' di memoria per messaggi sulla stessa area * Modifica al menu' di configurazione in previsione del Config PM R.460 25/11/91 * Sistemazione scroll della finestra di browse * Sviluppo nuovo #CRUNCHER (inizio incompleto) * Cambiamento della sintassi di #LOGO (stesso stile degli altri) R.459 * Continua sistemazione select * Continua sistemazione bug userlist * Cambiato il parametro #FONT per accettare anche l'altezza del font diversa da otto * Tentativo di far aprire la finestra di lettura gia' delle dimensioni giuste senza bisogno di parametri * Tentativo di gestire un font di qualsiasi dimensione sulla finestra di lettura dei messaggi R.458 * Selezionando Cancel (o tasto destro del mouse) si esce dalla finestra di cross-reply etc. senza chiamare l'editor * La ricerca sulla userlist avviene anche per nome e con due nick name * Comincia risistemazione della select per gestione 2.0 R.457 * Niente di importante